Welcome to Tell a Tale

Tell a Tale is a unique blog where writers from all sections will come and share their stories. Stories that talk for themselves are worth reading. Reading and writing go hand in hand, we all know that. This is a platform not only to share our stories but also to read others’ so that we learn and move ahead. This is where people share their writes and reads others. This unique because it lets you tell your own story – in your own words!

Our Motto
Writing is passion for some while for some it is profession too. Many of us are not professional writers but then, all of us want to write. Writing is common among us.
And hence, our motto: Write On!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

TaT Contest # 1: Readers Choice Votes

Well guys, the TaT Contest is over now. Happy to announce that we have 12 Contest Entries which fulfilled all the requirements as mentioned in the Contest Rules, posted earlier. Three among these 12 Stories will be the winners of this contest and there will be two other stories which would be awarded consolation prizes. That’s the work of the judge(s) and you need not worry about the same - be assured that the stories are in good hands.


Well, it is time for you to be a judge here. Apart from the winning awards, there will be a Readers' Choice Award too. That makes Six awards in total and it is possible that six out of the twelve stories win this contest.

To affect the Readers' Choice Award, YOU need to vote. Please read all the Stories listed below and choose the best two, as you feel. Send an email to storyteller0001@gmail.com with the name of two authors and their stories in proper order (e.g. Story # 1: Ms. AA; Story # 2: Mr. BB).
NOTE: Votes of only the participants will be considered.

Here is the list of Stories / Writers who participated in TaT Contest # 1:
1. Amias: When I Grow Up
2. Kuyerjudd: The Unlivable Dream
3. Tasneeem Najmuddin
4. Old Grizz
5. Pisku: Come and remind me
6. Roshwrites: My Childhood Dream
7. Christopher Poshin David
8. Anna (Ofira Sephiroth)
9. Princess Sonshu: The Dream Came True?
10. Quirky Mon: My Childhood Dream
11. Dee Martin: Stealing Time part 3
12. IronGirlTraveling
/ Tele King: Still deciding what I want to be when I grow up

NOTE: The stories listed above are in sequence of the stories being mailed to us. The Stories that does not have a link along with them will be updated once we get the exact link from the writer. We have tried our best to get the links of the other stories, but we could not find the same for these. Rest assured that we have received the mail along with the story.

A Word From Story Teller:
I enjoyed hosting this contest as much as you guys must have enjoyed participating in it. Thank you all for making it this big. I hoped for a lot more participation, seeing the number of posts in the weekly prompt; however, we need to move on with whatever we get.

There were a few unfortunate irregularities during the Contest which made Mr. Linky Widget unavailable during the contest. Hence, the judge(s) have agreed to skip the rule of linking the story from the original blog and have considered all the entries that failed to link. Remember, the 12 Entries we have here are those which have met all the Contest Rules. The rest had to be removed for the sake of the contest and thinking of other participants who spent time to get to know about TaT Contest Rules and then participate.

I insist you all to read the above stories and cast your vote and elect the Best Story under Readers' Choice. Please do not worry about the Contest Rules when you vote. You vote on your liking and understanding of the story.

Again, a big hug and a bigger "thank you" for participating in the contest and promoting Tell a Tale.
Write On!


Poshin_david June 4, 2009 at 10:24 AM  

The link to my story is http://christopherdavid007.blogspot.com/2009/05/my-childhood-dream.html

I hope you update it soon.

Story Teller June 4, 2009 at 2:00 PM  

Done Boy... dont forget to read each story and vote for the Readers' Choice Award :)

Anonymous,  June 5, 2009 at 3:27 PM  

Looking forward to future prompts!


roshwrites June 6, 2009 at 6:11 PM  

I'm looking forward to future contest prompts. I really enjoyed writing for this one!

linda may June 13, 2009 at 9:58 AM  

I tried, or rather my dear daughter tried, to fix up my entry but as I am not on that list it must not have worked. Opps. Sorry. I will await your new prompt.I have enjoyed writing in here.

George S Batty July 12, 2009 at 1:17 AM  

OK, where are you? everything OK

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